Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2010 Running Log

Distance: 6.2
Location: Gym
Duration: 46:50
Finish Time: 6:53pm
Monthly Total: 49.6 miles
Yearly Total: 265.3 miles
Yearly Duration: 43.75 hours

I was pretty successful in my run today. I ran a 10k at the gym and I was able to pull out a personal best time in it of 46:50, a 7:33 pace. I really struggled at times but I guess that is what comes with pushing that hard. The tiredness from the day prior had vanished for the most part leaving me with a good reserve of energy that really helped early on in the run. I am debating on whether or not to run in the Whiskey Row 10k in a few weeks just for the hell of it. I think it would be nice to run up at a higher altitude and from what I hear the race is challenging yet breathtaking at the same time. I will decide by this weekend probably. I really hope that I can stay motivated to continue running and enjoying getting out and connecting with the moving world around me. Running has done for me what no other sport or exercise has ever done for me. I cherish it for now and I hope to cultivate this feeling.

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