Distance: 4.2 Miles
Location: South Mountain Park
Duration: 38:29
Finish Time: 1:38pm
Monthly Total: 25.8 miles
Yearly Total: 311.8 miles
Yearly Duration: 50.75 hours
After spending 15 minutes trying to find the entrance into the park that everyone said was "just at the end of Guadalupe Road. It pretty Much dead ends there!", I finally made it into South Mountain Park but this time from the Guadalupe/East end entrance. I must say that it is definitely easier to reach it by the 24th street entrance but anyhow, after strapping on my water belt which I figured I needed because the temperatures were by this time in the mid 90's, I found my way to the park map and mapped out a 4.2 mile stretch that sliced up and down through the east end. I knew that the heat would limit me today so I set out with a goal of about 45 min's of running. I must say that the trails on this end for the most part have a better running surface than the ones on say National Trail in the central portion of the park so that made the run a little easier for some portion. One difference on this side of the park is the trails just seem to jut off in all directions at almost every step it seemed. I kept telling myself to not get lost inside the deep canyons especially with only 20 ounces of water on me. Luckily I stayed on track. There was a lookout which I dont have the name on just yet that served as sort of a summit of sorts for the run, which I got to high above the canyon walls and this lookout was preceded by a steady climb up steep singletrack of what seemed like about 10-12 minutes. I was very pleased with my navigating this since it was no easy task and even took some snapshots at the top of it. The trail was loaded with mountain bikers, walkers, and runners which came as a suprise considering how hot it was but in all there were no complaints on my part. I would like to run this area a little more so I should be back here in not too long.
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