Elev. Gain:1,900'
YTD Miles:45.0
YTD Time:7:48
YTD Elev.:7,200'
South Mountain Park/Mesa Canal System-
I love to travel. I love to run. So why, after venturing to the Grand Canyon, did I not run a mile in one of the most picturesque places on earth? If I had the answer I would feel a lot better right now.
Myself and my buddy Rob decided last week that since he had not been there since early childhood, and me myself had been there twice but for a measly total of about 30 hours, that we would head out early, and I mean EARLY Saturday morning and hug the highway for the 5 hour drive to a creation nearly 6 million years in the making. After pulling in mid morning on Saturday we proceeded to jam pack the remainder of the day with all the sights and sounds of the Canyon and all its inhabitants. It really is a glorious place that no other place on earth can really compare to.
So, to make a long story short, after enjoying a day and a half of down time for both of us and our busy, bustling lives, I was left with very little time to dance on the trails. Fortunately for myself and Rob it was a great time, one I will never forget. I have made a promise that I will soon return for a more extensive hike and run into that Canyon. I will return with any secrets I can find. Promise.
I will post pictures soon of the trip which I hope do justice.
Sounds like you had a blast. GC is high on my list. Some days I wish I could just pack up my gear and travel around for a couple months, tagging some of these awesome running locales. Looking forward to the photos.