Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Prescott Trip/Run Log


Goldwater Park/Prescott-4.2 miles

Since my long awaited trip/run at the Grand Canyon was shelved for the time being, I will tell that story another time, I decided that since I had the time off from work already through Tuesday that I would instead take a trip up a couple of hours northwest of Phoenix to hang out with my buddy Jon in Prescott for a few nights. I have been up there enough to know that the Pine forests are a definite must for anyone interested in hitting the trails so I found a nice little spot to enjoy a short run along Goldwater Lake, west of downtown. The fall colors were in full form leaving the trails and surrounding area full of beautiful autumn colors bouncing to and from, reflecting off the calm lake. The run was nice and almost entirely on packed dirt and pine needled trails. I was able to take a route that wound along the shores of the lake in snaked its way through the Pine forests that shaded the west end of the lake. It was a beautiful short run and my legs felt surprisingly good for not getting good sleep or really any runs in in the week prior. Save for some stiffness and soreness due to the concrete pounding at the tail end of the run it was a good time.

Thumb Butte/Prescott-3.5 miles

After growing bored of the stagnant nature that sometimes accompanies Jon and the cast and crew that can convene in the living room at his abode, I fought through the "smoke" of the living quarters and headed out early Monday morning for the short drive up to the Prescott landmark, Thumb Butte. Rising to 6600ft above the city, Thumb Butte is a inner city gem that grants any runner with a swift vertical gain over less than a mile achieved. I had run this before so I knew that not only was the initial portion paved but it was also super steep. I obliged and set about the top in the early morning sunlight. I was not feeling the initial ascent and after just a quarter mile resorted to a speed hike up the trail since I could tell that my lungs were not yet accustomed to the elevation level. After reaching the crest I continued on to the summit which was accessed through a narrow what seemed like hidden trail that I was able to find spying me through the surrounding sage bushes. The hike to the top and the sub sequent run down the backside of the butte back down to the trail head was refreshing but I could still feel some tightness and fatigue in my shins from the fast outing on the pavement the day before. Overall it was a great day in the sun and what made it even greater was the surprise visit of a family of mule deer waiting down below just outside of the trail head parking lot.

Looking back I am happy with the trip, the runs, and the overall laid back vibe that accompanied the few days up in Prescott. It is always a welcome place.

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