Monday, February 27, 2012

A Look Towards March 25

Elev. Gain:2,600'
YTD Miles:162.3
YTD Time:26:39
YTD Elev.:24,700'

Superstition Mountain Park; Treadmill-

My week was somewhat clogged with prior engagements which probably worked in my favor considering I had a high mileage week for my standards last week, 34 miles, and this gave me a reason to somewhat lay off the trails for a few days. I did however get out twice on the trails with the first being a bit of a downer physically since it was the warmest day of the year to date and that along with the fact that I had a rushed lunch at nearly 3pm, 1 hour before I hit the trail, this made for a disastrous day on the trails for the most part. I didn't hydrate enough prior and when I did it was with milk and soda in the hour leading up to the run. I sometimes think I can get away with crap like that and it needs to come to a screeching halt if I really want to get over the hump that hides the next level of fitness. I rounded out the week with another trail run and a few more speed intervals on the treadmill for an overall low key week.

I believe the next race I want to enter is the Xterra Trail Run Series-Arizona Black Canyon, in Black Canyon City, north of Phoenix off of the I-17 freeway. It looks like a killer course and it has a killer luncheon following it at the Rock Springs Cafe in BCC. I will post more details. It should be a blast.

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